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Fashion is a great way to express yourself as an individual and the way you evolve over time. Over the years, more and more people are becoming environmentally conscious and asking questions about the sustainability of fashion and clothing. Fortunately, there are ways to achieve both goals. Here are five environmentally responsible ways to be fashion-forward.
Use Environmentally Friendly Products
One of the key aspects that can make clothing and fashion unsustainable are the products being used. In order to stay on the eco-friendly side of things, consider using products made out of environmentally friendly materials. A cotton canvas is a good idea, as this material is both biodegradable and renewable. Recyclable polypropylene accessories are another great consideration as well.
Trade With a Friend
Our sense of fashion may change more quickly than the clothing runs out of use. A great idea to keep a fashion-forward style while still remaining eco-friendly is to trade with a friend. Their sense of style last month may be the one you’re into now. Instead of trashing perfectly good clothes and purchasing something new, find a friend who has a style you like. Ask him or her if they would like to trade, or better yet arrange a clothing swap with several friends!
Get Creative
We sometimes have a bad habit of throwing out perfectly good pieces of clothing just because they’re out of style. In order to be more eco-friendly, get creative with your old clothes and create something completely new. Those old pair of jeans can be a new look for summer as cute shorts. Being fashion-forward doesn’t just mean shopping the most expensive brands. Creativity has a lot to do with fashion and personal style.
Shop Used
Shopping at thrift stores and buying items secondhand through online resellers has become increasingly popular. This particular fashion trend is not only easy on your wallet but is also kind to the environment. Instead of buying new from major brands, shopping secondhand ensures that no extra energy went into recreating that particular item of clothing. In a sense, this is the recycling of clothing.
Find Sustainable Brands
Instead of looking product by product for sustainable options, you can simply find environmentally responsible brands. There is a misconception that all clothing companies are irresponsible when it comes to environmental impact. The truth is, there are several fashion brands that design with the earth in mind. Knowing these brands can make it much easier to shop consciously and be fashion-forward without having to be a detective.
These five tips will help get you stay fashion-forward while staying environmentally responsible. If you are looking for someone to help you look your best for your big day, make sure you check out our services here!